(RED) at The Global Fund’s Triennial Replenishment Conference

At the Fifth Replenishment session for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria in Montreal, (RED), the AIDS organization created by Bono and Bobby Shriver in 2006 to drive private sector donations to the Fund, pledged a further $100 million over the next three years. At this replenishment conference, (RED)’s pledge is the 14th largest among this conference’s list of donors.
The Gates Foundation offered a match of $50 million, which will bring (RED)’s total target to $500 million by 2019. (RED)’s CEO, Deb Dugan said “We’re so proud to work alongside the lifesaving Global Fund and its efforts to end AIDS. (RED)’s contribution to date of $360 million has benefited the lives of 70 million people. (RED)’s small team of 20 people is working hard to help millions more people with our new pledge and grateful to the Gates Foundation for its support of our work to deliver the private sector to this fight.”
“C’monnnn, (RED)’s the little engine that could, working around the clock to get companies and people involved in the fight to kill this killer virus….and now making a pledge that will take its total to half a billion dollars by 2019. None of this happens without (RED)’s partners, companies like Apple, Starbucks, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, and we’d be nowhere without the support of the Gates Foundation. Thank you.” said Bono, Co-Founder of (RED).