Meet Motselisi
Motselisi is one incredible girl.

(RED) first met Motselisi in the rural Nyakosoba Village in Lesotho when she was 11 months old, frail and weak without access to medication. Motselisi was put on antiretroviral (ARV) medicine, and 90 days later, she had been brought back to life and was a healthy, happy baby. Hers is a true story of the life-saving power of ARVs, medication that costs as little as 30 cents a day in some of the poorest parts of the world.
When Motselisi was tested for HIV, her mother Mapelaelo learned about her own status and began receiving ARV treatment, as well. When Mapelaelo became pregnant a few years later, she thankfully had access to treatment to prevent HIV transmission to her baby. Motselisi’s brother, Moeketsi, was born HIV-free, and is now four years old. In Motselisi’s family we can see how the first AIDS FREE GENERATION in over 30 years is within our reach. We must continue to take action to increase awareness and funding of AIDS treatment so that we can end AIDS.