(RED) Has Its Name Because Red Is the Color Of Emergency
As we’ve seen in the past, global emergencies—whether climate, HIV, or COVID-19—tend to hit the most vulnerable populations the hardest. Given the current threat of COVID-19, (RED) has thought carefully about our role in the global response and how we can be most useful.
In every country, strategies to combat COVID-19 have so far focused on protecting the most vulnerable. In line with that approach, we remain fully committed to the communities we were established to serve—those significantly affected by HIV/AIDS.
While there are still a lot of unknowns surrounding COVID-19, we do know that the virus is particularly dangerous to those who are immunocompromised, including people living with HIV. We’re also concerned about the devastating effects that COVID-19 could have on already overburdened health systems in (RED)-supported countries, and the disruptions it might cause to lifesaving services for other health conditions.
The Global Fund shares these concerns and has taken a swift and proactive approach to the crisis, which (RED) fully supports. They’re working overtime to reduce the threat of COVID-19 to their lifesaving programs and have committed up to $1 billion in available funding to protect these programs’ existing services and to provide countries most threatened by the outbreak with essential supplies, public health safety communications, supply chain support, and more.
Investing in health systems has always been at the core of the Global Fund’s work, and as we are seeing everywhere, these systems form the backbone of the response to any pandemic. (RED)’s continued support for the Global Fund has not only provided HIV treatment, testing and other critical prevention services, but it has also helped to establish medical facilities and train healthcare professionals in some of the most vulnerable communities. This support not only provides a head start on basic healthcare, but also ensures that those most-at-risk from other diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria can continue to access treatment and services amidst an outbreak. The return on every (RED) dollar raised by supporters like you will be exponential as the threat of COVID-19 continues to make its way around the globe.
As we work to combat the threat of this new pandemic, (RED) will partner with the Global Fund to ensure that access to strong and resilient health programs remains a priority for the most vulnerable. In the coming weeks, (RED) will be launching this year’s EAT (RED) SAVE LIVES campaign, as well as other endeavors, to drive money to the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response and to give people an easy way to support those most in need at a critical time.
Thank you for your continued support in this fight.

Jennifer Lotito
(RED) President and COO